Micro-agglomerate Cork

Product Attributes

  • Diameter : 24 mm; nominal ± 0.3 mm
  • Length : 44 mm, 38 mm; nominal ± 0.5 mm
  • Moisture : 4%-8% moisture content
  • Extraction force : 15 daN – 45 daN (coated corks only)
  • Sealing ability : No leakage at 2 bar
  • Cork granules : 0.5 to 2 mm
  • Dimensional recovery : >96%
  • Density : Nominal 280 ± 40 kg/m3
  • TCA : ≤1.0ng/L

Micro-agglomerated corks are constructed from sterilised natural micro-granules, uniform in size and excluding those which don’t meet narrow tolerances. Once again only ever using FDA-approved food-grade bonding agents, our corks have the look and feel of natural corks. Whilst many achieve the same high-quality standards as natural corks, they are all more in-line with the prices of cost-effective products such as screwtops.

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    Sorry! Our minimum order is one pallet, so please visit www.jbconline.co.uk who might be able to help.