Colmated Cork

Product Attributes

  • Diameter : 24 mm; nominal ± 0.5 mm*
  • Length : 45 mm; nominal ± 1.0 mm
  • Moisture : 4%-7% moisture content
  • Dimensional recovery : >96%
  • Extraction force : 15 daN – 45 daN (coated corks only)
  • Sealing ability : No leakage at 1.2 bar

If your brand needs a competitive cork-stopper that maintains the look of a natural wine cork, colmated corks are the answer. Offering cost benefits to wineries, the small pores of these natural corks are filled with cork powder to produce a more visually pleasing stopper. At Croxsons, we can supply FSC® certified products (FSC – C009204) upon request.

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