What Drives Us


Croxsons enjoys a fruitful relationship with a number of suppliers – some of the largest glass manufacturers in the world. Not only do we seek out the finest products for our customers, but our suppliers are also seeking the best too. Our suppliers continuously make huge investments in quality systems and adheres to the highest standards.

And it’s not just our products that are held in high esteem. One of the greatest achievements for Croxsons is being able to understand our clients’ needs and offer a service truly bespoke to them. We believe this is what sets our relationships with customers and suppliers on the pathway to long-term success.


In a world where resources are finite, we all have a role to play. Choosing to work with glass as a material ensures brands that they are off to a great start. We choose to partner with manufacturers and partners who consistently innovate and push the boundaries when it comes to sustainability, and we push to ensure that ‘going above and beyond’ is more than just a buzz word but part of their and our own culture.

If you choose glass, you are already making the best choice when it comes to your primary packaging!


Our ethics demonstrate the commitment from Croxsons to obtain and maintain a reputation for honest, ethical conduct toward our customers, our suppliers, our staff and our competitors. Employees of this Company will observe the highest standards in all conduct because we want to be known as a Company that can be trusted, relied upon to do what is right and honest, and held in high esteem by all we have dealings with because of our values.

We believe that this is the pathway to long term success as trust has no price but we believe that it is the most valuable asset we have.


Croxsons firmly believe that we can’t do everything to solve the world’s ills, but we must do something. We are privileged to hold a great asset in our hands, and it is our responsibility to ensure that we do what is right with it, from treating our staff and families right, to being generous with what we produce.

The company and shareholders have a long-standing practice of donating a significant amount of profit to charitable causes, alongside their own individual giving. Research shows that typically the biggest companies in the UK only donate around 2% of their profits to charity, but the shareholders of Croxsons are determined that we can and should do more. We do not have to answer to big investment funds or many different shareholders, so as a family business, we can act and make a difference, be it local or global.